Please take note of the CrisOncall terms,
conditions and disclaimer below.

Terms & Conditions

  • The member is only entitled to services if their monthly membership premium payments are up to date.
  • The member is responsible for the punctual supply of information to ensure the upkeep of our records.
  • The member must agree to the use of their personal information during crisis situations.
  • The member's information will only be used for emergency purposes in crisis situations.
  • Information will only be provided to emergency staff during management of a crisis.
  • The member is responsible for complete and accurate information regarding his/her family.
  • Premiums are debited on 1st, 7th, 15th and 26th of each month or the first working date thereafter, should it fall on a Sunday or public holiday. The member must select the most suitable date for premium deduction. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that sufficient funds are available in the account for the successful levying of the premium.
  • Benefits will only be available if membership fee payments are up to date. Services are rendered to members and their registered dependents.
  • The identification wristband must be visible on the wrist at all times.
  • Dispatch of an ambulance is the sole responsibility of call center staff in association with emergency medical staff.
  • Members and dependants can register for the "Please call me" function or on the Mobile App as instructed. The Mobile App requires access to internet on the cellphone. When you register you must agree that your location may be tracked and shared with emergency staff.
  • If you request the payment of roadside assistance from the call center, your vehicle details must be registered and updated correctly on the CrisisOnCall system. (Any change of vehicles must be submitted to the CrisisOnCall administration offices immediately by sending an e-mail to members@crisisoncall.co.za .)
  • When requesting services from the call center your membership number on the membership card or the wristband number must be quoted.
  • In an emergency always call 0800 101 911 and select the correct option. (Toll free from a Telkom line) If no option suites your need do not select an option. A Case Manager will assist and divert you to the correct person, if necessary.
  • The emergency number is for the use of members only.
  • Payment is limited to debit order against standard accounts, such as cheque and savings accounts. No debiting against credit card accounts are available. Bank Account numbers must be supplied correctly and it will remain the responsibility of the member to ensure that the account details supplied are correct at all times.
  • Updating of personal data is of utmost importance and remains the responsibility of the member. Members should ensure that any and all adjustments should be supplied to CrisisOnCall via Email: members@crisisoncall.co.za
  • The member must request confirmation that the new information was received.
  • CrisisOnCall cannot be held liable for circumstances beyond their control. CrisisOnCall shall not be responsible for consequential damage whatsoever, resulting from incorrect or incomplete information at any stage.
  • Though service providers are assessed against strict criteria, CrisisOnCall shall not be responsible for any mistakes, neglect or malpractice by service providers.
  • Any illegal activity or unlawful act may result in refusal of services.
  • Cancellation of membership must be in writing to members@crisisoncall.co.za. Thirty days notice is required.
  • The services of CrisisOnCall are confined within the South African borders.


Please take note that the material and information contained on this site are provided for the purposes of general information only and is not meant to constitute or imply legal or other professional advice or assistance, and should not be construed as such. Please bear in mind that every situation is unique, and accordingly expert and professional advice and assistance, specific to your particular need or situation should therefore be sought. Under no circumstances will any liability be accepted for any loss or damage, direct or consequential, which may arise from reliance on any information contained on this website. The views and/or opinions expressed on this site are also not necessarily that of the management or staff of CRISISONCALL, its subsidiaries or affiliates, neither are they necessarily supported or concurred with.

CRISISONCALL is a duly registered company, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2002/024966/07